Why Every Rapper Needs A Snapchat

Hip hop is a medium with a lot of culture and a huge variety of personalities. Many of these personalities go together well, and some really, really don’t mix. Thus, many beefs in rap over the years have come and gone, most of which got some public attention.

Some of these disagreements (to put it lightly) led to violence and backlash for a lot of artists, many of which could have been avoided if Snapchat had been around before hip hop’s inception.

Recently, Young Thug and The Game had a beef that was all over Instagram, with responses going back and forth and many fans taking sides. (Side note: I’m a huge fan of both artists and was really conflicted when I saw them beefing on the ‘gram. It hurt me.)

It all started when Young Thug made it public knowledge that he was going to name his next project “Tha Carter VI” since Lil Wayne is apparently done with the series after “Tha Carter V” is released (soon, hopefully). Obviously that seems odd, since his surname isn’t Carter, but he did mention frequently his admiration and respect for Weezy F Baby.

Thugger was then made to change the title to “Barter 6” after Wayne’s camp threatened a lawsuit, and seemingly that was the end of the commotion. Well, it was, until The Game decided to jump in.

The Game, a hip hop veteran from Compton, is very close to Lil Wayne and took Thugger’s jabs to heart, and made an Instagram video threatening Young Thug. This quickly escalated and both artists made videos addressing one another with various threats and disses and a couple guns were featured in the videos as well, all posted on Instagram.

All beefing aside, these guys chose the wrong app to display their grievances. The videos were all quickly deleted but were highly visible (I have followed Thug for a long time now and saw the videos right in my feed) by many people. Why make a beef so public?

I know The Game is always willing to beef with someone, as he gets media attention for it all the time, and his career is in the decline stage (sorry, Game, it’s just true, unless you actually release “The Documentary 2” and it’s better than your last effort) so he doesn’t have much to lose.

Thugger, on the other hand, is hated on by many, and since his career is starting to grow, he should avoid all chances to lose fans or potential fans whenever he can. “Yall bitches don’t beef like vegans”, to quote Weezy himself.

If rappers like Thug and The Game took to Snapchat to beef, they could still get their threats across all the while keeping it between the people involved, like a “boss” would do.

Rappers are always trying to assert themselves as a boss, but making your beefs public only makes you seem dramatic and like you’re calling for attention. Let your music speak for you- wait, isn’t that the point of the music, to share your thoughts?

Either you beef through your music, sending verbal shots within every bar, or keep it between the two of you via Snapchat. That way, you don’t lose any fans and keep the respect of others in the rap game.

I’m sure rappers saw the two of them beefing and just laughed at how stupid it all was, thinking how now they won’t consider either of those guys for a feature in their next single, since they appear to be unable to control themselves and hurt the reputations of those they’re around.

If you send shots to one another through Snapchat, you can get your point across and there’s no evidence, no paper trail.

It’s just stupid to beef through Instagram; people can save the videos or pictures and post them anywhere else, spreading the story and with many different variations, further muddying the situation and leaving a lot of questions unanswered.

Honestly, The Game just got involved because he loves beefing and he’s somewhat out of the public eye, and this development gave him more attention. He had literally no part in the original disagreement between Thugger and Lil Wayne, and only chimed in because he’s a good friend of Weezy.

The Game further dramatized himself, although Thugger did too in the videos they both made and posted to Instagram.

Snapchat is free, and literally everyone with a smartphone can download it. Rappers make tons of money, flaunt it every chance they have, and still they don’t have Snapchats, at least accounts that are known publicly.

If a rapper joined Snapchat, they should have a public account for fan interaction and one for communication with friends and people they hate. It’s not like they can’t afford to have more than one device (many artists actually do have multiple devices).

Not many rappers have Snapchat accounts, but those that do use them well and the fans soak it up, watching their Stories daily, myself included. If they feel like throwing some shade at another artist, simply use their private Snapchat.

Save yourself from yourself, rappers, and invest in the free app. Besides the private beefs and a new tool to share your life with fans, there’s a little bonus: you can still talk to your side hoes without leaving a paper trail.

Beefs will come and go, but if they’re on Snapchat, we’ll never see them. I can get used to that.

Check out this video that breaks down how exactly to make a snapchat account

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