Getting Started
Getting started on your new website:
When new clients start thinking about the “look and feel” of their website, I recommend they take a treasure-hunting trip and look for other sites they like:
- notice color combinations that appeal to you and make note of the url.
- go find a font you really love! (see below)
- look at menubars (the navigation of a site) and see what appeals to you. Notice how sites are organized with main categories and their subpages. Start thinking about your web design and the best way to present your information and/or products.
- what are the key words and phrases that folks will use in the search engines to find you? Try googling for these key words and phases and see what you get? Businesses like yours? You may need to try several different combinations til you hit your target audience.
Think of a font for you logo and website as part of your branding. Yes, it’s that important.
Take your time……you could get lost here, and it’s fun!
A place you can find some FREE fonts:
Font Center
IstockPhoto for great stock photography at affordable pricing.
Fotalia another great site ofaffordable stock photography to add some glam and sophistication to your website.
You have GOT to have a way to collect names of those interested in your website offerings. And the way to do that is with a contact form, AND a way to manage all the names that come in. You can start out managing your list manually but you will soon see how overwhelming it can be. I offer a fabulous solution for managing your mailing list which includes a sophisticated html/text newsletter writer as well at much less than Constant Contact (a popular mailing list manager) costs. Check out our Mailing List Manager/Newsletter Mailer.