Design Web Magic - creative, professional and friendly web design services.

FREE 30 minute web site consultation


I am pleased to offer these new website marketing services to my web clients and any others in need of more web traffic.

  • You've done the homework on your website: chosen the perfectly crafted title tag, meta tags for both description and keywords, tidied up your web content to include lots of keywords and phases and you are ready to submit. This is a one-time submission to 75+ major search engines in the English language*. Many of these search engines are submitted manually to ensure your listing is successful.
  • You will receive a comprehensive search engine submission report for each url submitted.
  • » For an additional $25, I will hand submit to the very important directories Yahoo and DMOZ.
  • RECOMMENDATION: Renew this service every three to six months. Dont' be fooled - there is really no benefit in doing so monthly.
  • NOTE: Consider your home page and any internal pages that have different subject matter/content on it for search engine submission.
  • * - If your website is translated into other languages, then we can expand our submissions to include search engines in those languages.

  • You've researched and written your title tags and meta description and keywords. You've checked to make sure your page content is full of these keywords and phrases. All you need me to do is upload these to your server and then continue on with search engine submission to 75+ major search engines.
  • Includes a comprehensive search engine submission report for each url submitted.
  • » For an additional $25, I will hand submit to the very important directories Yahoo and DMOZ.

  • RECOMMENDATION: Renew this service every three to six months. Dont' be fooled - there is really no benefit in doing so monthly.

  • Don't have a clue what a TITLE TAG, META TAG, or KEYWORDS are?

  • Design Web Magic does all the work for you with this "The Whole Shebang" search engine submission plan. Beginning with an evaluation of your web page, I will then research and analyze the perfect keywords and phrases for your url.

  • » TESTIMONIAL - read this....


  • I will create the optimized title tags, meta description and meta keywords and phrases.
  • And make suggestions about optimizing your web content before submission.
  • DWM will proceed with submitting your url to 75+ major search engines.
  • » For an additional $25, I will hand submit to the very important directories Yahoo and DMOZ.
  • RECOMMENDATION: Renew this service every three to six months. Don't be fooled - there is really no benefit in doing so monthly.

TESTIMONIAL: "...What I am most happy about is the great placement/ranking I have on the Google and Yahoo search engines and the customers who have contacted me due to my excellent placement on these search engines.  I owe it all to Joanie for my great placement on these two major search engines and all the other search engines too.   Not only is a professional and perfectly designed website a must in any business, but having customers find your company on the web is key to financial success in such a competitive business environment.  I believe Joanie is an expert at attracting customers to the websites’ she designs.  By carefully choosing  words for my site’s “key words” and “site description” meta tags,  Joanie was able to get my website placed number 1 and  number 3 on the Yahoo and Google search engines.  Joanie also knows how to place keywords throughout my site (in text and graphics) which increases site placement on the search engines.  Joanie is able to promote/describe a website for great search engine placement because she truly understands, from years of experience, what search engines focus in on when placing a site. ...

Mitchell Davis,, read the entire testimonial here..

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