“Joanie did a wonderful job on redesigning my website. Many of my colleagues have commented to me on how professional and organized my “new” website, mitchlaw.com now looks. What I am most happy about is the great placement/ranking I have on the Google and Yahoo search engines and the customers who have contacted me due to my excellent placement on these search engines. I owe it all to Joanie for my great placement on these two major search engines and all the other search engines too. Not only is a professional and perfectly designed website a must in any business, but having customers find your company on the web is key to financial success in such a competitive business environment. I believe Joanie is an expert at attracting customers to the websites’ she designs. By carefully choosing words for my site’s “key words” and “site description” meta tags, Joanie was able to get my website placed number 1 and number 3 on the Yahoo and Google search engines. Joanie also knows how to place keywords throughout my site (in text and graphics) which increases site placement on the search engines. Joanie is able to promote/describe a website for great search engine placement because she truly understands, from years of experience, what search engines focus in on when placing a site.
Joanie delivered everything she promised me on time, a great website that generates business. If any firm needs to update their existing website or have a new website designed, I, without reservation, recommend you retain Joanie to create something special for you."
~Mitchell Davis